Safe Play Guidelines
Now Accepting Reservations MON-SAT 8am-5pm
Kendall County Resident only
DO NOT come to the facility if any of the following apply:
- If you have exhibited or experienced symptoms of COVID-19,
- Received a positive test result for COVID-19,
- Had contact with someone who has received a positive test result for COVID-19 or is otherwise believed to be infected with COVID-19,
- Traveled to a high-risk area in the past 14 days.
If any of the above apply, you may only return to the facility if:
- You tested positive, then tested negative including no fever for 72 hours and at least 2 weeks since onset of symptoms,
- You tested positive and it has been more than 96 hours since last fever and 3 weeks since onset of symptoms and date of positive test.
Adhering to these guidelines is important and the failure to support them violates our facility operating policy. We appreciate your support. We have considered numerous factors, but we must all remember the safety of our players and staff is our priority.
With your cooperation and adherence to these guidelines, we believe we can safely utilize our tennis courts and stay true in our commitment to mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Hygiene Protocol for players
- Players should use their own hand sanitizer before and after each session of play.
- Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles. Do not share racquets.
- Each player should have their own can of tennis balls with each ball clearly marked with their initials and ensure that they are the only person to touch their tennis balls with their hands.
- Avoid touching your face.
Social Play Considerations
- Courts will be available for reservation from 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, Monday-Saturday. Players will be required to leave the facility by 5pm.
- Reserve online or call (830) 249-4631
- Activity should always be in line with the Government’s advised social distancing measures (defined by the CDC as keeping 6 feet apart), including when arriving and departing from a court.
- As we monitor our situation, group play should be “family play only” from the same social isolated household.
- No more than 4 family members on court at a time.
- Reservations will require accurate player information in the portal, all players on the court should be listed in the reservation.
- Do not arrive at the facility unless you have a reservation. No walk-in play.
- Do not arrive at the facility more than 10 minutes prior to your reservation time.
- Juniors under 18 must be on court playing with a parent.
- Facility reserves the option to not open the courts on a day where inclement weather is imminent throughout the day.
Singles Play Considerations
- Use guidelines above regarding the 6 ft social distancing rule.
- Each player shall furnish a separate can of tennis balls and user their own balls while serving or starting a practice rally with the goal of each player only touching their own tennis balls. Consider each player using their own brand (ex. One player uses only Wilson tennis balls and the other player uses only Penn.)
- Ensure no physical contact during games – DO NOT shake hands or high five.
- No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregation.
- If a ball from another court comes to you send it back with a kick or with your racquet.
Private Lesson Considerations
- We are offering Private Lessons
- We are offering group lessons that are family only.
- All balls, ball hoppers, and teaching carts are to be sanitized by the professional before and after each lesson.
- ONLY the professional is to touch the balls, ball hoppers, and teaching carts.
- ONLY the professional picks up the balls. The student may roll the balls with their racquet or foot to the corner of the court.
- No congregation.
- No group clinics or leagues (subject to change).
- For serving lessons, please bring your own balls or you can purchase a can of balls from the pro shop.
Pickleball Considerations
- We are allowing only singles play (subject to change)
- No doubles play.
- Must make court reservation and specify Kendall County resident opponent.
- All players must use gloves while handling equipment.
- All equipment needs to be sanitized before and after play.
Adjustments to the player experience
- The staff will manage the facility.
- You will be greeted by a staff member when you arrive to check your reservation and to direct you to the appropriate court.
- Please bring your I.D. or utility bill for proof of residence.
- Household family members will have an assigned court depending on how busy the facility is.
- No walk-in play.
- No children under 18 allowed that are not players in a group with their parents.
- Lessons with restrictions.
- Tennis and Pickleball play with restrictions
- No congregation areas at the courts.
- No spectators.
- No racquet rentals or gripping.
- If is suggested you use new balls for play.
- No ball machines, baskets, or cart rentals.
- Restrooms are open but is recommended that you use your own bathroom at home prior or after play.
Safety Considerations
- All gates will be roped off or left open to prevent touching.
- No ball machines, baskets, or used balls will be available for use.
- Rain or inclement weather: Courts will be closed for any weather event to prevent congregation courtside or at the facility.
- Staff to wear masks or “like in kind” and gloves when checking in players. Staff should wash/sanitize hands and/or change gloves often and after touching items.
- Additional guidelines may be posted as necessary.
We appreciate your time and consideration. Please note that we all understand the complexity of this issue during this very difficult time.